
You can download the map pack for Battleplan on the Play page.

Battleplan 2 players maps

Small maps

The small maps emphase the early-stage of the game, with rushes or small skirmishes to gain some more oil. Then they require little time to reposition and switch target. For short and micro-intensive games.

Channel Docks

Channel Docks map preview

A small high oil map with opened areas.

Three bridges allow to cross the channel, and hovers can pass through it. Each corner has two ways in around a large open center area.

There are 3 oil within base and 2 more outside, 2 near the center and 2 other at the opposite corner. Combining a small map, open area and a lot of oil result in rather large scale constant battles.

High Ground Pass

High Ground Pass map preview

A very small map with low oil with a lot of narrow paths.

The irregular terrain offers a lot ways to reach a given spot from multiple paths, and make it harder to claim the high ground from one spot with some artillery. Fast units can almost always find a way to circumvent the front line and strike from the back.

The map is a little short on oil, with 2 patch in base, 3 nearby and 2 other on the high ground for each sides. All of them are spread out and can be hard to defend from all sides but the low amount of oil prevent from building a large army and striking multiple targets at once.

Medium maps

Medium maps provide a mix between the early and the late stage of the game. Rushes can be easier to defend against, as wheeled tanks will be longer to arrive. The mid-game can either looks like frontal assaults as well as gaining more map control for a stronger late-game.

Ember Canyon

Ember Canyon map preview

A medium oil map with a shorter and snaky path from base to base on the top half and roughly the same amount of oil spread around the bottom part.

The base area offers 5 to 6 derricks for intense action without covering much of the map. The bottom will see more smaller battles to control a few more derricks and sustain a stronger army.

Large maps

Large maps encourage longer game that reaches the late-stage very frequently. They also require more map-control as the resources are widely spread and scouting becomes crutial to be able to reposition on time.

Those maps can be more quiet during the early-game and increase in intensity the more the map is covered. Until large armies must cover multiple spots at once.

Hill Sides

Hill Sides map preview

A medium oil map with multiple paths and opened areas. This map will get more action from the middle to late game, as the size of the map and no direct line from base to base make rushes less effective.

The map is composed of open areas and wide paths. The numerous trees add some early tactics to take cover during the early small fights until they are destroyed to let the large-scale battle to happen.

The bases hold a bit more than half the amount of oil you can get from one side. But you'll have to go further down the hills to get more resources. Each time giving more exposed front-lines that become harder to defend against scattered troops.

Training Mounds

Training Mounds map preview

This is the 2v2 map with some oil removed to be more manageable by a single player. It still provides a high amount of oil and keep the direct line between the bases.

For large-scale battles on open fields.

Compatible maps

Those maps are bundled with the game. While they were slightly modified to be compatible with Battleplan, their asymmetry, size or general topology can make some strategy too effective against others and reduce the choices and make the game too unbalanced.


Roughness map preview

A large medium oil map with a lot of crossing paths. This map is designed for long play with a lot of macro and multi-tasking.

The main bases contains 4 oil patches, plus one right at the exit of the base. 5 other oil patches are scattered on each side, two on the main paths and the other inside small enclaves. One oil patch in the middle is to be contested.

The center of the map is composed of two longitudinal paths on each side, that can be crossed from three choke points, one in the middle and the other at the far end of the map. All of them can be defended from the high-grounds around. Once a breach is opened, three other paths leads to the enemy base.

This very large map let you play various strategy, from fortifying chokepoints, ground raids, sieging and aerial strikes at all the game stages. The expensions is still rather linear with a small number of lengthy routes from a base to an other.

This map is bundled within the core game but a lot of oil patches were removed and some displaced while keeping symetry.


Sk-Startup map preview

An asymmetrical medium map a with moderate oil amount. The main bases contains 4 oil patches each, 2 other are located at the exit and three more are located on the outside. One center oil is contested on the top of the hill.

While the map is mostly long, artillery can still cover the main choke points from a single spot. Heavy reinforcements and VTOL strikes may still be a bit long to arrive.

The center of the map can be crossed through tree paths, one at each side and one by crossing the hill. Each side can climb up the side cliffs from a ramp near the base and strike from the high-ground at the end of a long trip. The player starting at position 1 (on top) has access to 2 more ramps from the middle of the map.

This map is bundled within the core game and wasn't modified. Due to its strong asymmetry this map is not recommended for competitive play, but offers an interesting large playground to discover the game. It is replaced by Ember Canyon which offers multiple travel and expansion paths.


Sk-UrbanChasm map preview

A small slightly asymmetrical map designed for early action in the remaining of a city. The main bases contains 2 oil patches, with two other slightly on the outside. 3 other on the center quickly becomes contested, often located right into the battlefield. One on each side can be taken on the top-right corner by each side but left in the open, with a slight advantage for the player at location 1 (top), one is on the bottom-left near water choke points, player at location 0 (bottom) has a slight advantage to take it earlier.

The amount of buildings makes the early game micro-intensive for cat-and-mouse games around them. Once destroyed, they leave the place flat and open. The map is so tiny that artillery can almost fire from base to base, and tracks can cover a lot of terrain.

This map is bundled within the core game and wasn't modified. Due to it's slight asymmetry and small size this maps is not recommended, but is interesting to play quick and action-heavy games. It is replaced by Channel Docks to offer more opportunities.


Sk-HighGround map preview

An small almost fully symmetrical map with low oil and a few paths. The main bases are protected by thin uncrossable cliffs and contains 2 oil patches. The choke point at the enter and the small area make it easy to defend the base from rushes but it still prevent the rushed player to access to the two other patches on the outside.

From there a single spot can cover the access from both ramps but the lakes still provide a large and opened access for hovers. The middle of the map is on high-ground with two ramps from each sides. Once on top small hills are accessible only from one side and the middle peak is uncrossable. Basically there are always two paths to access any point of the map, except the top-hills. The map being still small, artillery can support both access points, but the limited amount of oil make them an hard investment to keep.

This map is bundled within the core game but one oil patch was moved from the center to the bottom of the side-ramp to spread key-locations on the whole map.

This map is too narrow for Battleplan, which result in almost linear fights from a base to an other. Once the high ground is secured, it is almost impossible to come back in the game. It is replaced by High Ground Pass which offers more paths to break the linearity of the map.


Vision map preview

A large symetric map on the side of hills. The map doesn't provide much paths from base to base and those are close from each other. Even if the paths are wide and hard to block, the action often follows a roughly straight line from base to base.

Most of the oil can be defended from 2 spots, which encourages to use a large army instead of scattered groups.